Warcraft 3 Reign Chaos Crack Razor 1911
пятница 08 февраля admin 15
Command and Conguer 3 Tiberium Wars keygen, a message to you mo, 38KB, Vote! WarCraft III:Reign Of Chaos intro.fuck da police. RELEASE NOTES: ~~~~~ Back in 1994, Razor 1911 was the group to bring you the original sleeper hit WarCraft: Orcs & Humans. A few years later we struck again, this time with a superior standalone rip of WarCraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal.
Blizzard has released the latest patch for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Additional languages for this patch can be downloaded from: Warcraft III Reign of Chaos 1.19 patch notes MAPS (2)PlunderIsle Added ground anti-air creep to both center goldmines. Added ground anti-air creep to both center Goblin Merchants.
(6)ScrochedBasin Removed center creep camp and neutral building Reduced the creep level of the two center goldmines from a Red camp to Green camps. Opened up all choke points on the map.
Added trees to all start locations to ensure better balance with all races. (8)GolemsInTheMist Removed the center creep and Neutral building.
(8)PlainsOfSnow 3 of the 4 center goldmine creep camps dropped a level 5 charged item,so I fixed it so all 4 drop a level 5 charged items. Added a Goblin Merchant between Teal and Purple start location. Also increased the item drop to level 3 charged item instead of level 2 charged items.
Added a Goblin Merchant between Pink and Green start location. Nagabuchi tsuyoshi myself. Also increased the item drop to level 3 charged item instead of level 2 charged items. BALANCE CHANGES Creep-dropped item sell prices have been standardized. Items of the same level will now always sell for the same amount. Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds. Fieldgenius 7 keygen.