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пятница 28 сентября admin 76
Sauer AV, Hernandez RJ, Fumagalli F, Bianchi V, Poliani PL, Dallatomasina C, Riboni E, Politi LS, Tabucchi A, Carlucci F, Casiraghi M, Carriglio N, Cominelli M, Forcellini CA, Barzaghi F, Ferrua F, Minicucci F, Medaglini S, Leocani L, la Marca G, Notarangelo LD, Azzari C, Comi G, Baldoli C, Canale S, Sessa M, D'Adamo P, Aiuti A. Alterations in the brain adenosine metabolism cause behavioral and neurological impairment in ADA-deficient mice and patients. 2017 Jan 11; 7:40136. PMID: 28074903. Cossu G, Previtali SC, Napolitano S, Cicalese MP, Tedesco FS, Nicastro F, Noviello M, Roostalu U, Natali Sora MG, Scarlato M, De Pellegrin M, Godi C, Giuliani S, Ciotti F, Tonlorenzi R, Lorenzetti I, Rivellini C, Benedetti S, Gatti R, Marktel S, Mazzi B, Tettamanti A, Ragazzi M, Imro MA, Marano G, Ambrosi A, Fiori R, Sormani MP, Bonini C, Venturini M, Politi LS, Torrente Y, Ciceri F. Intra-arterial transplantation of HLA-matched donor mesoangioblasts in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
EMBO Mol Med. 2016 Dec 01; 8(12):1470-1471. PMID: 27908983. Cossu G, Previtali SC, Napolitano S, Cicalese MP, Tedesco FS, Nicastro F, Noviello M, Roostalu U, Natali Sora MG, Scarlato M, De Pellegrin M, Godi C, Giuliani S, Ciotti F, Tonlorenzi R, Lorenzetti I, Rivellini C, Benedetti S, Gatti R, Marktel S, Mazzi B, Tettamanti A, Ragazzi M, Imro MA, Marano G, Ambrosi A, Fiori R, Sormani MP, Bonini C, Venturini M, Politi LS, Torrente Y, Ciceri F.
Intra-arterial transplantation of HLA-matched donor mesoangioblasts in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. EMBO Mol Med. 2015 Nov 05; 7(12):1513-28.
Teatraljne mistectvo yapon prezentacya. PMID: 26543057.
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