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Protel Pcb Viewer Online

пятница 11 января admin 21

Jan 28, 2018 - I don't think it is possible. You need Altium Designer to open the files and then you can save it in the older version. Thank you, Loosemoose. Cad viewer gerber viewer - electronic manufacturing software - ems cem oem - pcb, gencad, odb++, cadence valid allegro, orcad, protel, gerber, fabmaster Skip navigation Gerber and CAD Viewer.

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Protel Pcb Viewer Online 3,2/5 6659votes If you are wondering what ever happened to Protel you. Software online, for free. Training & Events. View the schedule. PCB The New And Improved Protel PCB.

Gerber Viewer. You may need a free PCB Gerber viewer software to check your PCB design. Here we show you some useful software on the internet. Online Gerber viewer ( ). GerbMagic is a viewer for Gerber RS-274x and Protel ASCII PCB (Prote w2.5 to v2.8 formats). UPDATED 2-8-2015 - Revision 3.7 • Added option for 2.3 or 2.4 NC drill file format in PCB -->RS274X function for OSH PARK PCB's requirements. UPDATED 1-8-2015 - Revision 3.6 • Added support for shapes 'ROUND' and 'SQUARE' in RS274D -->RS274X function.

UPDATED 9-4-2014 - Revision 3.5 • Discovered a situation where the aperture files were in mills and the Gerber files were in mm. This caused problems with the RS274D -->RS274X function. Added a selection for aperture file units to take care of this problem.

• Rewrote the function which parsed lines from the aperture file. Should be more generic and able to handle a broader range of formats. UPDATED 9-27-2013 - Revision 3.4 • Fixed bug related to measuring the outside dimensions of the board. If the board did not have a square outline the dimensions on the drill drawing could be wrong.

UPDATED 7-19-2013 - Revision 3.3 • Fixed bug related to multi layer pads with a 0 hole size. • Fixed a bug where text was not always rendered with the correct D code. • Added code to limit the length of lines in the gerber file when drawing text.

UPDATED 4-12-2013 - Revision 3.2 • Added option to print a board layer plot. This was in response to request from a user. UPDATED 2-25-2013 - Revision 3.1 • Fixed a bug with power and ground plane layers. If you draw any tracks on the power or ground planes, if you wanted to create a split ground plane or multiple planes, the tracks were not put in the Gerber files. All of the normal power/ground plane elements were working correctly. Plane files have a negative image flag. UPDATED 9-15-2012 - Revision 3.0 This is a major re-write.

• Major improvement of how copper pours are handled. • Minor cosmetic improvements. UPDATED 8-29-2012 - Revision 2.9 I discovered two bugs, which have been fixed in rev 2.9. • When the pads are written to the Gerber file using D03, GCPrevue was issuing a warning.

Adding a D02 before each XxxYxxD03 solves this issue. It did not cause any issues with boards, it just caused GCPrevue to issue a warning. • When a track changed width the Gerber file could be incorrect, causing a missing track on the board.

Online pcb file viewer

This would normally only happen if you layed down a track with several segments, then went back and edited the width of a single segment. UPDATED 1-31-2012 - Revision 2.8 Peter Wells from New Zealand discovered a bug in version 2.7. The solder mask was only enlarged on the top of the board. This has been remedied in 2.8.

In addition there were issues in the poured fill function. The gerber file could have been created with intersecting cut ins. This error did not show up in any of the gerber viewers I tried, but when I had boards fabricated at Advanced Circuits a large area was covered in copper pour, which was not supposed the be poured. The fill function has been corrected to prevent intersecting cut ins, but I have not fabricated any more boards using that function. This only occurred when using the pours created by drawing a one mill line around the perimeter of an area containing pads. I also highly recommend this online gerber viewer as it does the best job showing the poured fill errors. UPDATED 2-24-2011 Create RS274X gerbers directly from Protel Autotrax.PCB file.