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My Traffic 2013 Fsx Crack Files

понедельник 08 октября admin 85

I've searched here, I know there are topics on this; but I can't seem to readily find any; searched on the internet and found quite a bit of info but the bad news is traffic_aircraft.bgl is nowhere to be found and neither is trafficAircraft.bgl yet this is what everybody says to remove; it doesn't work and I want to remove default AI (such as orbit, landmark, global freightways, etc) I would think by removing these my frames wouldn't suffer as much; as far as default AI that are GA I'm not sure I exactly want to remove them but I might as well they are also framerate killers. Would removing all default AI allow for more of MTX AI? (since I'm keeping it at 30% by removing the default AI I would lose approx 10%? If there is no scenery world scenery trafficAircraft.bgl then you do not get the stock AI traffic. There are other addons though that add AI schedules using stock models, it may be you are the victim of such bad habits. I recommend you run the tool to search for traffic bgl files, and post the result here if you do not see a file yourself that is the culprit.


Aug 29, 2012 - My Traffic 2013 is the latest version of the popular and longtime. Uncompromisingly optimized for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X this product. My Traffic 2013 is the latest version of the popular and longtime successful My Traffic. Service Pack 2 (SP2) Crack SP2. We have many great aviation products for FSX/FS9. Run Windows Update to get.NET 3.5 SP1 or you can click here to get the.

If a file generates AI traffic world wide, it must be bigger than 10 MB approx. Ok, that's an answer I can live with; could you tell me what this tool is called? And whether it is included with MTX or not? If not, where can I get it?

I know that FTX Orbx scenery do add traffic but I'm not sure it calls up the default models or not but I see the default models no matter where I go I don't have any other AI traffic addon other than the possibility of Orbx and of course the MTX product from you:). Perhaps show us some screen shots of the traffic you are seeing, just in case we can see anything obvious.

You are aware that MyTraffic does use some small default AI aircraft such as the Learjet, Cessna and Piper. You certainly shouldn't be seeing airlines such as Orbit though. Yes I noticed that MTX does use the LJ, Cessna and Piper; but why not use its own rather than the ones in FSX? These are frame hitters. I still see Orbit, Global Airways and one other that are flying CRJs, 747s, etc (its less obvious at some airports) I'll have to post a screenie. Actually for the number of those that you see in FS the hit on the framerate is minimal, they are actually pretty efficient models, that's why they were left in (I'm on the beta team, have been for years). The Piper for example has a very low poly count.

Ah I had the impression MSFS default planes were hard on the frames; I'm not getting great frame rates but they are acceptable at 25% traffic load I just don't find it realistic enough JMO but any more than 30% I start to have trouble in high density areas such as Flightbeam's KSFO and FSDT KLAS. Traffic_Bowerman.bgl comes, I believe, with the Bowerman field freeware add-on from Orbx ().

Their AI traffic files are all FSX format in my experience - I have Bowerman amongst my collection and have noticed no problems in the area with MyTrafficX. Unfortunately I'm the wrong side of the Irish Sea to confirm this right now. Its not the area I'm concerned about, its the generality of AI traffic that keep showing up; IMHO Landmark, Orbit, etc are the lamest AI Microsoft came up with and sticks out like a sore thumb. The default aircraft - since FSX SP1 anyway - have what is called LODs or Levels of Detail (sorry if you know that, but if you don't, this may be useful.) What LODs do is that they display a less complex model, the further away fom the user viewpoint the model is. This means that you can actually have a large number on display at any one time, because they display a lower poly model and a lower resolution unless they are right up close to your viewpoint.

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Cheers, Ian P. Yep LOD is good stuff; though how ugly it looks so far away vs how nice it looks up close is a staggering difference but is useful and isn't noticed that much Gonna have to crack out the simulator and find out what I find now that bowerman has been removed. If I recall, you can open the FSX Traffic Explorer when you see one of these offending default airlines, click on that AI aircraft and it should show what file is generating that aircraft.maybe that would give you a clue where to look for the unwanted traffic file. I know there's such tool; but I haven't figured out how to use it yet supposedly you're supposed to be able to remove/inject AI with this tool or something similar to it maybe Mr. B can explain; but I think there's a tutorial on this already.