Mitjkov Klinicheskoe Rukovodstvo Po Uzi
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TUKHBATULLIN, G.R. AKHUNOVA, Z.M. GALEEVA Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerova St., Kazan, Russian Federation 420012 Tukhbatullin M.G. —D. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Ultrasonic Diagnosis, tel.
2019-02-04 1 -rukovodstvo-po-ultrazvukovoy-diagnostike-tom-5-mitkov-vv-2007-g.html. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.
(843) 233-30-17, e-mail: Akhunova G.R. —Cand. Sc., Assistant of the Department of Ultrasonic Diagnosis, tel. (843) 233-30-17, e-mail: Galeeva Z.M. —Cand. Sc.,Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy, tel. (843) 236-87-86, e-mail: This article is devoted to the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension with the use of sonography in the gray-scale and Doppler modes. The article presents data on the physiology of the portal circulation, describes a method of ultrasound investigation of vessels of the hepatobiliary system, gives a classification of liver cirrhosis and peculiarities of portal hemodynamics in case of liver cirrhosis.
The article presents the sonographic criteria for liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension based on the study of literature data and personal long-term observations. Key words: liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, ultrasound diagnosis.
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