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12 Korolevstv Kniga

понедельник 28 января admin 46

2016-12-17 daily 0.5 -zamki-velikih-domov-i-kratkaya-istoriya-semi-korolevstv-4-04-29 daily 0.5.

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From Finland to United Kingdom About this Item: AST, 2015. Condition: new. Umirajuschij mir, medlenno udaljajuschijsja ot semi svetil Ognennogo Kolesa. Muzhchina, kotorogo privela v eti prokljatye zemli Poslednjaja Nadezhda. Zhenschina, razryvajuschajasja mezhdu chuvstvom i dolgom. Chto ikh zhdet?

Puteshestvie po dikim dzhungljam, gde na kazhdom shagu podzhidaet smert. Gonki na aeromobiljakh po bezzhiznennomu gorodu, gde roboty ne v silakh vosprepjatstvovat gibeli ljudej. Silki intrig i gnet sluchajnykh obstojatelstv. Zasasyvajuschaja khvatka planety, kotoraja ne namerena otpuskat svoikh plennikov. Language: Russian.

Pages: 416 EAN 108. Seller Inventory # 10-371905 2. From Finland to United Kingdom About this Item: AST, 2013. Condition: new. Nekogda, v nezapamjatnye vremena Zemlja otpravila svoikh detej kolonizirovat drugie planety. Odin iz korablej zemljan sovershil vynuzhdennuju posadku v mire, pochti tselikom pokrytom vodoj.

Kolonistam prishlos rasselitsja po mnozhestvu ostrovkov, obedinennykh v prichudlivye arkhipelagi, i vstupit v skhvatku s opasnymi tvarjami, obitajuschimi v okeane. I togda iz korpusa pogibshego korablja ljudi narezali krylja.

Proshli veka i veka. No i ponyne krylja, pozvoljajuschie stremitelno perekryvat rasstojanie mezhdu ostrovami, dostupny lish soobschestvu letatelej, ravnykh samim Praviteljam planety. Junaja Maris, doch prostogo rybaka, ne dolzhna dazhe grezit poletom. Odnako kto mozhet zapretit ej mechtat - ili, esli ugodno, dobivatsja, chtoby mechta stala javju? Language: Russian. Pages: 448 EAN 913. Seller Inventory # 10-150482 3.

From Finland to United Kingdom About this Item: Eksmo, 2015. Condition: new. 'Odnoglazye valety' - vosmaja kniga iz legendarnoj serii 'Dikie karty'. Sobytija, proizoshedshie v Nju-Jorke i Atlante vo vremja sezda Demokraticheskoj partii v 1988 godu, razrushili sudby mnogikh geroev.

Ushli v proshloe zolotye dni tuzov i Dikikh kart, kogda bylo vozmozhno sotrudnichestvo mezhdu dzhokerami i tuzami. Teper v obschestve tsarjat naprjazhennost i nedoverie. Na Nju-Jork obrushilas novaja napast - 'dzhampery' - gruppa molodykh ljudej, sposobnykh 'prygat' v soznanie drugikh i podchinjat ego svoej vole. Smozhet li gorod spravitsja s ocherednym bezumiem, okhvativshim ljudej?

Language: Russian. Pages: 448 EAN 318. Seller Inventory # 10-379337 4. Within United Kingdom About this Item: Victor Gollancz / Orion Publishing Group, London, 2012. Condition: Fine.

Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. Jacket by Patrick Knowles (illustrator). First published in 1983, this is a first edition, first impression with full number line of this edition of 2012, reissued after the success of the tv adaptation of Game of Thrones.

Some very slight edge wear to top and bottom of jacket and spine, not price clipped (£18.99), no inscriptions, internally clean tight and square, overall a vg++ copy. Magic, music, drugs and rock'n'roll in an early novel from George R. One time underground journalist Sandy Blair has traveled far from his radical roots in the 60s, until the bizarre and brutal murder of a millionaire rock promoter draws him back. As Sandy sets out to investigate the crime, he finds himself on a magical mystery tour of the pent up passions of his generation. For a new messiah has resurrected the once legendary rock band Nazgul, but with an apocalyptic new beat that is a requiem of demonism, mind control, and death only Sandy may be able to change in time.

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Seller Inventory # 004637 5. Within United Kingdom About this Item: Voyager / HarperCollins Publishers, London, 2005.

No expense has been spared in it's engineering or construction to assure that it's extraordinary capabilities will remain virtually unchanged under years of the most rigorous usage. Mcintosh mx151 review.

Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. First edition, third impression with '3' on copyright page. Some slight edge wear to top of spine, corners very slightly bruised, no inscriptions, not price clipped (£18.99), internally clean tight and square, overall a vg+ copy. 'A Feast for Crows' brings to life dark magic, intrigue and terrible bloodshed as the war torn landscape of the Seven Kingdoms is threatened by destruction as vast as any in its violent past.